My last post was kinda mushy and serious, this one, however, is NOT!
It sticks with the theme of OCD and my issues with not having control, but is completely different.
I will just warn you now that I am admitting that I have this problem and really don't plan on changing it.
I work on it some but don't really see me changing completely, just tellin' ya!
I HATE unnecessary noises! Completely cannot stand it! Now, let's define unnecessary noises:
Clipping finger and toenails, that noise is awful, now I know clipping is necessary, but I can't stand the noise!
Clearing your throat, cannot stand it!
Sniffing or sucking snot back into your head, terrible not to mention unhealthy, just blow it out!
The noise that the timer on my dryer makes when it is on but not running, like a ticking noise, unnecessary!
Slurping or sipping noises, like when people drink coffee or eat soup, use your manners people!
When people stir their drinks and clang the spoon to the cup, over and over again, come on!!!!!
The blinker (or turning indicator, as my husband calls it) on my car, why do I have to hear the noise inside the car, isn't the point to have people outside of the car know that I am planning on turning, I ALREADY know that I am turning, I turned on the blinker, I wish I could turn off that sound!
Ok, I could probably go on and on, but I won't. You get the idea.
Now, I know that I should probably just chill out and I honestly do try.
You people who work with me or in the mental health or medical field, are probably saying that I need medication or therapy for these issues. This goes along with the obsession to planning and will probably be diagnosed if I ever get that psych eval!
I just try to ignore it and deal with it, but I just wish someone could tell me why we have to live with unnecessary noises! PLEASE!!!!!!
Ok, I have that off my chest and feel better now, thanks for listening (or reading) to me vent!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Plans! We all make plans. We plan our days, our weeks, and our weekends. We plan meals, parties, and events. I REALLY enjoy planning things. I have been told (by many people) that I take it a little overboard. I have self diagnosed myself with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Now mind you, I do not have the sufficient degrees to be diagnosing anyone with anything, but never the less, I am pretty sure that if I ever had a psych eval, I would have OCD! There are other reasons that I think I have OCD, but that is for another blog post!
I just have to know the plan for everything. I will wake up on a Saturday with absolutely nothing to do and ask Larry, “So, what is the plan for today?” This really bothers him. He does not like to have plans or to-do lists even when they are necessary! I want to know what we are cooking, when the meals are, if we are going anywhere, where we are going, what we are buying, what time naps and bedtimes are, you get the picture! I will admit that it gets a little excessive.
Now, I will say that organizing and planning things are good but when it consumes you and annoys other people, it might be time to evaluate things. Insert my favorite Bible verse:
Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
I have had to quote this to myself on NUMEROUS occasions. Now, I know that God is concerned with every aspect of our lives and he cares about our meals, weekends and parties. However, I feel like this verse is more geared toward bigger plans such as our careers, families and futures. But it can apply to every decision that we make.
When I was little my mother had these books that we put each year’s school picture in and wrote a few things about each year. Like our teacher’s name, our friends’ name, and what we want to be when we grow up. Mine always included: mommy, missionary, teacher or nurse. Nowhere did you find Social Worker or Juvenile Officer. I started out in college as a nursing major, for one class. Now, I don’t mean one semester class. I mean one 50-minute class! I went to one class session and decided that is not what I wanted to do. I completed my associates with no major and then decided to do Social Work. Now, I went into social work thinking school or hospital social work. I told people over and over that I would never work in foster care or child abuse and neglect. The March before I graduated in May, I applied for a job that my mother found in Kirksville, Missouri at a Mental Health Center. They arranged for an interview and when I got there (3 hours away) for the interview, I drove into the Children’s Division (Division of Family Services) parking lot. I was so confused. I went in to get directions and found out that I was at the right place. I had applied to work in child abuse and neglect and didn’t even know it. I went ahead and interviewed just to get the experience and ended up getting the job and they wanted to hold it for me until I graduated! I just KNEW that I didn’t want to work in child abuse and neglect and foster care and I have now worked in that exact field for over 7 years and wouldn’t change it for anything!
Also, when I was little, I had my whole life completely planned out. I would marry right out of high school, have 5 children and stay at home with my kids (all while being a teacher, missionary and nurse, of course)! As you know, none of that worked out, so far! I had a boyfriend my senior year in high school and we dated for almost 5 years. We got engaged, and of course, I had everything PLANNED! The wedding, the house, the children, EVERYTHING! Things didn’t work out, obviously, and that was totally not in my plans! Having a failed engagement, un-planning wedding plans and admitting that I wasn’t perfect were not in any of my plans when I was little! Fast forward a few more years, I meet the man of my dreams, Larry, while working in the job that I never thought I would have! Larry and I knew each other and then dated for a while and were married in April of 2007! I know this sounds crude, but I never thought that I would marry someone who was divorced or already had children. Those things just weren’t in my plans! But I am so glad that God had Larry and his 2 wonderful children, Kaitlyn and Wyatt, in His plans for my life. A miscarriage early in our marriage was completely heart breaking and hurtful but I am very certain that everything happens for a reason and there was a reason for that baby not to have been born. Then almost a year later, we found out we were pregnant again, and Olivia Kaye was born in Feb 2009! We love her so much and couldn’t imagine our lives without her!!!!
I am so happy that God’s plans are bigger than mine and that He is in control! I know that I love to be in control and I love to plan things, but at the end of the day, I really am happy to pray for guidance and let the Lord’s plans prevail!
Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Naked in Target!
Ok, before we get to the "Naked in Target" part of the day, I need to back up to last night to give you the whole picture! Olivia has been starting to get sick since last week when she had surgery to have her tube removed from her ear, and last night was terrible! She has a yucky runny nose, she was whiny and cranky and we were just trying to get through the night. She had diarrhea in the bathtub to start off the wonderful evening, she woke up after going to sleep because she had wet her bed, and she cried, tossed and turned all night because her ear hurt! This is not the ear that she had surgery on last week, of course not, this is a whole other issue! So we barely got any sleep and she ended up in the bed with me. At around 2:30am I was trying to give her some Tylenol because she kept crying that her ear hurt, she flung the bottle and Tylenol went all over my bed and comforter! AND, when we woke up she had wet MY bed, LOVELY!
So, she is watching Mickey Mouse (her new favorite) while I showered, stripped the bedS, started a load of laundry and got us both ready for the day! I took her to daycare and went to the office. You have to wait until 9am to even call the doctor to get an appointment (one of the only bad things I can say about our pediatrician), so I started calling at 9am and got through pretty quickly to be disconnected 3 times while being transferred to the nurse! So, at 9:25am, I FINALLY talked to a nurse who got us in at 10:10am. I left work at 9:30, right after I got off the phone and closed down my computer at work (got a LOT done today!) and went to get Olivia! I picked her up at daycare and we went to the doctor's office. We didn't have to wait long, the doctor and an intern came in, she has a "raging" ear infection in the "other" ear, the ear from last week looks fine, she has congestion and he gave us a script for an antibiotic. He suggested that she go ahead and get her flu shot. I was fine with that because she had one last year and I just hadn't gotten her one yet this year. So the nurse comes in and says that it will go in her left thigh. I pull her pants down and sit her on my lap. The nurse asked her about her panties and before she could even answer, the bandaid was on, the shot was over and neither Olivia or I knew that it had happened! Give that nurse an award please!!!
We head to Target to fill the antibiotic. I have to go to my best friends's house first to drop off my comforter because she let's me use her washer since her's is the fancy, big, one and mine is too small to wash it in. Don't I have the best friend ever, who will wash my laundry for me? Well, we can't come in because she is sick! So, I drop it off, and we head back to town. Olivia wants a drink, so I hand her my Dr. Pepper, which I hardly ever have anymore, but of course I got one today! And she procedes to dump the whole thing down her shirt and pants. Which really was an accident, the top came off, she didn't mean to. She is screaming and yelling that it is cold. I pull over, take her out of the car seat and take her soaked clothes off. I didn't bring a diaper bag because I don't take one to day care and I didn't think about going to the doctor. I couldn't find anything in my car, which usually has an extra everything, and her clothes are just too wet to put back on. I need more than just the prescription so driving through CVS really isn't an option today. Decision to make........ 1) just drive the 20 miles home and 20 miles back to Target. 2) call my friend in Liberty who has a girl a little younger than Olivia and ask her for help for my poor sick naked child. or 3) take my naked child into Target! As you can tell from the Title of this Blog Post, I chose #3!
I enter Target with Olivia on my hip wearing Keds shoes, socks, panties which somehow didn't get very wet, a jean jacket and 2 big brown bows because it is Crazy Hair Day at Day Care! I am sure that we got a lot of judging looks but I just wasn't looking! You know how Wal-Mart has those pictures online of crazy looking people? Well, if Target has that, I am sure we will be on it!!!!!! We drop off the script at the pharmacy and head to the toddler section. I let her pick a dress and some new panties! We head to the check-out in our damp panties and jean jacket and purchase our items! We go to the bathroom and put them on! Whew!!!!
Now we are good, we head back into the store, I tell Olivia that we can go and look for a small toy since she has been so good, she really had been! We are looking at the play dough and she sees this Stuffed Mickey Mouse (about as big as she is) in the clearance section (my kind of girl!) I can't find a price on the doll or on the shelf. She is still being good and politely asking for the Mickey Mouse! We go find one of those price scanners and it is $6.99! It is SO hers! She hugs him the rest of the time! We get the rest of what we need, get the antibiotic and head to the check out (AGAIN)! There is 1 lane open, of course, and the person in front of me needed EVERYTHING! Then he decided to open a credit card, which took forever. We get back in the car, dressed this time :) My friend who is doing my laundry at her house calls and Olivia decides to start screaming that she needs a snack the whole time we talk! As soon as I get off the phone with my friend, she falls asleep with Mickey Mouse! And, it is only 11:55am! Wow!!!!!!
So, she is watching Mickey Mouse (her new favorite) while I showered, stripped the bedS, started a load of laundry and got us both ready for the day! I took her to daycare and went to the office. You have to wait until 9am to even call the doctor to get an appointment (one of the only bad things I can say about our pediatrician), so I started calling at 9am and got through pretty quickly to be disconnected 3 times while being transferred to the nurse! So, at 9:25am, I FINALLY talked to a nurse who got us in at 10:10am. I left work at 9:30, right after I got off the phone and closed down my computer at work (got a LOT done today!) and went to get Olivia! I picked her up at daycare and we went to the doctor's office. We didn't have to wait long, the doctor and an intern came in, she has a "raging" ear infection in the "other" ear, the ear from last week looks fine, she has congestion and he gave us a script for an antibiotic. He suggested that she go ahead and get her flu shot. I was fine with that because she had one last year and I just hadn't gotten her one yet this year. So the nurse comes in and says that it will go in her left thigh. I pull her pants down and sit her on my lap. The nurse asked her about her panties and before she could even answer, the bandaid was on, the shot was over and neither Olivia or I knew that it had happened! Give that nurse an award please!!!
Olivia waiting patiently for the Doctor! |
We head to Target to fill the antibiotic. I have to go to my best friends's house first to drop off my comforter because she let's me use her washer since her's is the fancy, big, one and mine is too small to wash it in. Don't I have the best friend ever, who will wash my laundry for me? Well, we can't come in because she is sick! So, I drop it off, and we head back to town. Olivia wants a drink, so I hand her my Dr. Pepper, which I hardly ever have anymore, but of course I got one today! And she procedes to dump the whole thing down her shirt and pants. Which really was an accident, the top came off, she didn't mean to. She is screaming and yelling that it is cold. I pull over, take her out of the car seat and take her soaked clothes off. I didn't bring a diaper bag because I don't take one to day care and I didn't think about going to the doctor. I couldn't find anything in my car, which usually has an extra everything, and her clothes are just too wet to put back on. I need more than just the prescription so driving through CVS really isn't an option today. Decision to make........ 1) just drive the 20 miles home and 20 miles back to Target. 2) call my friend in Liberty who has a girl a little younger than Olivia and ask her for help for my poor sick naked child. or 3) take my naked child into Target! As you can tell from the Title of this Blog Post, I chose #3!
I enter Target with Olivia on my hip wearing Keds shoes, socks, panties which somehow didn't get very wet, a jean jacket and 2 big brown bows because it is Crazy Hair Day at Day Care! I am sure that we got a lot of judging looks but I just wasn't looking! You know how Wal-Mart has those pictures online of crazy looking people? Well, if Target has that, I am sure we will be on it!!!!!! We drop off the script at the pharmacy and head to the toddler section. I let her pick a dress and some new panties! We head to the check-out in our damp panties and jean jacket and purchase our items! We go to the bathroom and put them on! Whew!!!!
Olivia no longer naked in Target! |
Now we are good, we head back into the store, I tell Olivia that we can go and look for a small toy since she has been so good, she really had been! We are looking at the play dough and she sees this Stuffed Mickey Mouse (about as big as she is) in the clearance section (my kind of girl!) I can't find a price on the doll or on the shelf. She is still being good and politely asking for the Mickey Mouse! We go find one of those price scanners and it is $6.99! It is SO hers! She hugs him the rest of the time! We get the rest of what we need, get the antibiotic and head to the check out (AGAIN)! There is 1 lane open, of course, and the person in front of me needed EVERYTHING! Then he decided to open a credit card, which took forever. We get back in the car, dressed this time :) My friend who is doing my laundry at her house calls and Olivia decides to start screaming that she needs a snack the whole time we talk! As soon as I get off the phone with my friend, she falls asleep with Mickey Mouse! And, it is only 11:55am! Wow!!!!!!
Olivia and Mickey when we got home! |
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