Sunday, February 22, 2015

Birthday Questions Age 6

This is the 4th year I have asked Olivia these questions around her birthday!
The other years are posted on the blog as well!

1. How old are you?  5, I mean 6!
2. Who is your best friend? Katie, Kaylee, and Roslyn
3. What is your favorite thing to do? Go outside for recess and play with friends
4. What is your favorite color? Purple, pink, and light blue
5. What is your favorite thing to eat? Bananas and sweet apples
6. What do you like to do with your family? Play with them
7. What is your favorite toy? Katie's toy horses
8. What do you want to be when you grow up? Ballerina, police officer
9. What makes you happy? Playing with Saedee, Royce and YaYa
10. What makes you sad? If nobody plays with me
11. What is your favorite TV show? Sheriff Callie and ninja turtles
12. What is your favorite book? Peter rabbit
13. What do you like to learn about? God and Jesus
14. What was your favorite part of your birthday? Dancing on the stage for Zumba
15. Where do you like to go? To Zumba with mom
16. Who is your teacher? Mrs. Parks
17. What is your favorite treat? Bananas
18. What do you think about before you fall asleep? All the things we do, rock and roll
19. If you could meet somebody famous, who would it be? Saedee (even though we explained what famous means)
20. What is your favorite birthday present? The talking bird from Katie

Zumba Party

Olivia and Mrs. Parks

Birthday Dress

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